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Aerospace Instrument-Making

Review process

1. Any paper submitted to the journal irrespective of author personality is directed to a reviewer, an expert in his area.

Editorial board reviews all submitted papers corresponding to its topics in order to give them expert evaluation.

All the reviewers are acknowledged experts in topics of peer-reviewed materials having publications in the field of submitted papers within the last 3 years.

2. Reviews are stored in the publishing and editorial offices during not less than 5 years.

3. Upon the corresponding request, copies of reviews are sent to the RF Ministry of Education and Science.

4. All submissions are directed to reviewers impersonally, i.e. not pointing out authors’ surnames, affiliations, positions and contact data (addresses, phone numbers and e-mails).

5. After having surveyed the paper the reviewer has to prepare in written form and transfer to the editorial board within a reasonable period the report indispensably containing topicality evaluation of the considered work, indication of the justification degree for its thesis’s and conclusions, their authenticity and novelty.

6. If the review is negative, the paper is transferred to another reviewer. The second one is not informed of initial peer-review and its negative result. In the case of the second negative result the paper is removed from consideration with corresponding information to the author(s).

7. A registered letter with disposal acknowledgement containing the copy(is) of review is sent to the author(s) along with e-mail use.

8. In exceptional cases, the editorial board may decide to publish the paper after reception of two negative reviews. Such exceptional cases can result from: prepossession attitude of reviewers towards the new scientific direction considered in the paper; reviewers’ discord and misrecognition of facts established by the author(s) having studied and analyzed experimental data, results of R&D works carried out in the framework of National and State Programs and accepted by the customer, results of archival or archaeological studies granting documentary evidence presented by the author(s).


«About journal


«Thematic focus of the journal

«Formatting rules

«Stages of the review and publication

«Review process

«Editorial and Professional Ethics

«Detecting plagiarism

«Editors and Editorial Board

«News journal

Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics
Instrument-Making and Automation Means. Encyclopedic Textbook
Industrial Automatic Control Systems and Controllers
Ecological Systems and Devices
Aerospace Instrument-Making
Engineering Physics
History of Science and Engineering
Music and Time
Note Album
Universal History
Directory of engineer
Applied Physics and Mathematics
News Academy of Engineering Sciences A.M. Prokhorov

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